exam ??? mls nak citer...
si skrg ni aku nk reply tag si zaza ni...
Starting time : 1417H
Name : mohd amerul akmal bin mohd yunos
Sisters : 0
Brothers : 2
Shoe size : 10.. very the kan...
Height : last time 180
Where do you live : now kat penang... (panas yer tmpat ni) n my hmtwn kat jb
Have you ever been on a plane : nop
Swam in the ocean : yes... aritu i pegi pulau kapas... blajar brenang yer. thnks en khairul hep uitm
Fallen asleep at school : always... i hate this habit
Broken someone’s heart : sure lah... tp org lbh byk wt kt i
Fell off your chair : pernah... n the worst thng is kt public area
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Yup..
Saved e-mails : nop
What is your room like : klu kt penang style rmah bujang tp kt jb very the well keeping. ada katil king size with covered by nice blue new cmforter. langsir warna biru+purple+silver(perada).
What’s right beside you: ada buku fluid power n design
What is the last thing you ate : buah nangka
Ever had…
Chicken pox : pernah... geli lah. mcm katak
Sore throat : pernah..
Stitches : ada kat lengan kiri... accident.... hehehe rasain lu
Broken nose : never
Do you
Believe in love at first sight : yes...
Like picnics : yes... lagi2 kalau ngn "dia"... aku ala2 wat vdeo klip jer
Who was/were…
The last person you danced with : my dance group... zapin
Last made you smile : sedang berlaku blh kira x ??? teringt kt my barnie (it is a teddy bear) jangan gelak yer.. aku mmg ada pun...
You last yelled at : kat sorang mamat ni... die mngeji aku. so meraselah kna hanjing ngn aku dpn org rmai (location kat jusco perda). hajor sikit !!
Today did you…
Talk to someone you like : yer lah... soalan very the
Kissed anyone : yes... ooopppsss.... gambo jer
Talk to an ex : berangan.... (zaza x bagi ingat kt die lagi)
Miss someone : Yes... my mom
Who do you really hate: guard hitam kat area rumah aku. btw dia nak ngurat si fadhlan... ooppss... jujur yer.. llllaarrriikkkk!!!!
Do you like your hand-writing : tak..
Are your toe nails painted : x.. ingat aku ni pelacur ker ??
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : xde... katil org len xde cmfrter mahal.. wah !!!!
What color shirt are you wearing now : hitam...
Are you a friendly person : ha'ah... kadang2 over tahap melaha.. melaha = over mencapub
Do you have any pets : xde lah... diri sndri pn x terurus
Do you sleep with the TV on: x..
What are you doing right now : bernafas....
Can you handle the truth : yes
Are you closer to your mother or father : ibu... sgt kamcing yer. klu ngn ayah utk tjuan duit jer. hehehe tp aku syg dua2 tau
Do you eat healthy : x... malas nak fkir bnda tu. tht y bdan i maha comel
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : ada... but cume ada dua jer... akan ku guna utk tjuan mghancurkan hbungan dia ngn kekasih bru die nanti. hajor skit !!!
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : Ibu n my bbf
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : loud... nk wat cmner.. faktor keturunan yer.
Are you confident : yes... sgt cnfdent yer smpai aku pun x suke.
5 things I was doing
10 years ago
1. darjah 5
2. main baling selipar ngn jiran.. rindu lah kat is
3. zapin..
4. first cinta monyet... eeee... songsang !!! (means aku x ske bnda2 yg xde faedah)
5. berkhatan
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
boleh x jgn tnye soalan cmtu lagi ?? i dont like it at all sbb mmg xleh dpt pn. over tau soalan ni.
5 of my bad habits
1. melaha
2. mngumpat (ngn amy n zaza)
3. makan
4. shopping
5. suka berangan nak jadi orang lain
5 places I’ve lived/living
1. johor, penang, kl, ngeri smbilan, london..... yg akhir tu tipu jer.
5 people I tag
..... x payah rmai2... aku nak tag naili, messyboy, mona, anggerik, adib, n sesaper jer yg suka sgt baca blog ni.